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I am a passionate minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I see our mission as bringing heaven on earth by making followers of Jesus, one person at a time. I love sports, reading and smoking meat. I have the most beautiful wife in all the world and I love the Dallas Cowboys.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Donkeys, Elephants and the Restoration Plea

After this last week's events, I haven't been able to get one simple question out of my mind...is this happening to us?

As I was sitting in my friend's living room, watching the voting results come in, I listened as my friends talked about their concern over what has become known as the "fiscal cliff". Now I don't know much about the details of this apparent cliff that is going to occur at the turn of the year, but what I do know is that the Donkeys and Elephants are so split over the matter that neither side seems willing to give ANY ground. Jesus' statement, "a Kingdom that is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand" seems to ring truer and truer.

So what does this have to do with my question?

As I was reflecting later Tuesday night over the events of the night, I summed up in my own mind what is happening.

There is a major crises, and those who are in a position to take action are so divided that they are incapable of preventing the crises.

Division is the greatest obstacle of action.

So...where does my question come into play? How does all this political mumbo jumbo apply to me and specifically, as the title of this blog suggests, how does this relate to the restoration plea?

Is this happening to us?

My answer...I hope not.

As I heard about this "Fiscal Cliff", I couldn't help but think that is the exact boat we are in as Christians.

We are facing a crises.

The entire world is in this state of fallenness. People are sick, depressed, insecure, sinful, hurting, alone, and ultimately dead. The world is deteriorating, people are suffering and lost.

We are facing a major crises, the largest crises of all, yet...the people Jesus has enabled and empowered and given the task of making disciples of all the nations, of bringing heaven on earth, these people are divided.

There are more than just donkeys and elephants, there are Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Coptics, Baptists, Russian Orthodox, Southern Baptist, American Baptist, Free Will Baptist, etc. etc. and etc.

And in the midst of all these different ideologies, these different movements and churches who think they have it right, there is one shining light...the Restorationists.

Now I hope you are catching my tongue and cheek. My professor has this cartoon outside of his office, poking fun at the idea that we in the Restoration movement think out of all the different denominations and movements in Christianity, we are the first ones to get it right. I posted it below:

All joking aside, I love the restoration movement. I love the plea, "Unity on Biblical Authority". Yet even a movement whose focus was to unify Christianity in order to accomplish God's mission to save the earth,  even a movement with unity as its major emphasis, that movement has split twice within its first 100 years of existence. We now have Christians Churches, Disciples of Christ and Churches of Christ churches who believe they are the TRUE restorationists.

Is this happening to us?

Is what is happening to America, the division between donkeys and elephants, happening to the church?

Is what is happening to America happening to the Restoration movement, a movement based on unity?

I know a lot of people are gravely concerned about what is going to happen to America because of the division in Washington.

I will tell you that D.C. is not what troubles me.

What troubles me is that this division in America has everyone talking, even Christians, but it seems as if everyone isn't too concerned about the fact that Jesus' last prayer in John 17.23, "I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me," this prayer has failed. We are not unified, the world is dying, and because of our disunity the world finds it hard to believe that God sent Jesus and that God loves them. 

What troubles me is the restoration plea of unity on the basis of Biblical authority has done little to unite the church worldwide. 

We are facing something much worse than the fiscal cliff. We are facing the death of billions, eternal death, eternal suffering. And God's solution can't get along. His people are divided, and billions remain in the dark. 

Is this happening to us?

No? Yes? Maybe? I sure hope not.

So what does this mean for the plea of the restoration movement? 

How do we unite the church?

Does the plea need to change? Does it need to be applied differently? Does it need to look different? Are we too closed minded? What needs to change?

These are the questions that we as part of the restoration movement need to struggle with. 

We are facing a crises.  We are divided and division is the greatest obstacle of action. 

"Unity on the basis of Biblical authority." Yet....How?

1 comment:

  1. I don't really have any answers to your questions, but I do feel your sentiment. Since I now live an area that is right at the center of the Restoration Movement historically, I feel like those churches that are most entrenched in the Restoration tradition are the ones that are most disconnected from the Christian world at large. Our movement set out to unite a fractured church, but sometimes, it seems like we've become just another piece that has split off from the whole.
